We support Grenada's cocoa farmers in many ways, providing everything from low-cost organic fertilizer to transportation to free training in current best practices in sustainable agriculture.
To learn more about what we do,
With a generous grant from the UN Global Environment Facility, CFFI established a model organic cocoa farm, complete with an outdoor classroom and demonstration site.
Like other cocoa farmers in Grenada, we grow our cocoa in its natural habitat, among flowers, fruit and spice trees. The taller spice trees provide just the right amount of shade for the smaller cocoa trees; the tiny midges that thrive in this environment pollinate the cacao flowers; and the fruit that falls from the other trees decomposes in the soil and lends the cocoa a rich and complex blend of flavors.

Synthetic fertilizers are bad for the health of farmers and their families. They also produce agricultural runoff, which has a devastating effect on marine life.
Organic fertilizer was expensive and hard to come by in Grenada. That's why we started a composting program at CFFI.
At our composting station, we make high-quality organic fertilizer, which we provide to farmers at a low price.
We also offer free training on composting and soil management to local farmers.

With generous support from the Clif Family Foundation, CFFI established a small nursery, where we use grafting to produce high-quality organic cocoa tree seedlings.
Grafting is a sustainable way to improve the quality and productivity of cocoa trees. CFFI has been interested in grafting for many years, starting with our free grafting seminar for local farmers in 2014.

CFFI’s Crafts Cooperative is designed to empower women who are part of the farming community but not directly involved in farming. The Crafts Cooperative is a place where women of all ages come together to produce high-quality crafts, which are sold locally and on our website. At the Crafts Cooperative, women have the opportunity to learn and practice a wide variety of skills, from designing, creating and packaging crafts, to pricing, displaying and selling them in our beautiful local gift shop.
Every day is bring-your-child-to-work day at the CFFI Women's Crafts Cooperative!